[Annual Workshop] The Croatian case: LPV implementation benefits

Monday, November 11, 2019

The LPV implementation status on the ground was firstly presented in the Annual EGNOS workshop by Mr Josip Josipović, Executive Director, Regional ATC Centres at Croatia Control. Currently, 70% of the country’s instrument runway ends are already served by LPV approaches, and the company has a sound plan to fulfil the obligations derived from the PBN IR. This implementation is dramatically improving accessibility at some Croatian destinations.

Croatia Airlines Chief pilot DASH-8 Q400 Davor Miši, on the other hand, showed how this strategy is already benefitting the daily operation of its x6 Dash 8 Q400 fleet. After giving some hints on how the retrofit process took place, Davor Mišić delighted attendees with a video shot during an aircraft’s LPV approach and landing at Pula Airport, runway 09.

Presentation available in this link.
