Register user data
Required fields are marked with (*). All tabs (Register user data, Information user data, EGNOS user type and Notifications Subscriptions) must be filled to complete the registration process.
Information user data
Does your organization have an EGNOS Working Agreement (EWA) signed with ESSP and have you been appointed as person of contact within this agreement?
User category
Required fields are marked with (*). All tabs (Register user data, Information user data, EGNOS user type and Notifications Subscriptions) must be filled to complete the registration process.
EGNOS user type
Market Segments
Required fields are marked with (*). All tabs (Register user data, Information user data, EGNOS user type and Notifications Subscriptions) must be filled to complete the registration process.
Notifications Subscriptions
EGNOS System Notifications
Notifications for Aviation users
Reporting by e-mail when the daily 99% APV-I availability presents a relevant degradation with respect to the landmasses within the APV-I service area as described in the applicable EGNOS SoL Service Definition Document (SDD). Notifications are sent when planned degradations are foreseen or in real time when unplanned degradations occur.
Reporting by e-mail when the daily 99% LPV-200 availability presents a relevant degradation with respect to the landmasses within the LPV-200 service area as described in the applicable EGNOS SoL Service Definition Document (SDD). Notifications are sent when planned degradations are foreseen or in real time when unplanned degradations occur.
Open Service Notifications (for Maritime, Rail, Agriculture, Road, LBS and urveying & Mapping users)
Reporting by e-mail when the daily OS availability is lower than 99% for more than 50% of the RIMS inside the EGNOS OS Service Definition Document (SDD). The notifications are sent when planned degradations are foreseen or when unplanned degradations occur.
The subscription to the EGNOS Notifications Service enables the reception of different EGNOS degradations notifications via e-mail.

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